Earth resouces play a key role in survival of all living things on this plannet
,in the past few decades due to habitat destruction and unsustainable utilization of natural
resources many species including plants came under threat and their existence is now
into the hands of human beings. Arid lands of the world are facing seriuos problems
from scarcity of water, food, fodder, fuelwood and harsh environmental conditions.
Fortunately most of the natural plants of these areas are multipurpose and if they are
properly utilised they could resolve some of these issues to some extant. The
plants of the region are well adapted to desert conditions and consume less
water for the sustanance. This will also help in alleviating desertification threats
through fixation of sand, protection and improvement of the soil, amelioration of
climate and micro-environment and other conditions suitable for sustainable agriculture
Biotechnology has great potential of solving many problems pertaining to
agriculture, industry, environment and health which has direct relevance to sustainable
development of desert countries. Since the beginning of domestication and cultivation
of plants, human beings are looking for techniques that help to produce maximum
number of individuals from the minimum number / quantity of propagules. Tissue
culture is the ultimate finding of mankind enquiry towards mass multiplication of
plants using minimum quantity of propagules. Some of the advantages of this technique
are heterozygous materials may be perpetuated without much alteration, easier, faster,
dormancy problem eliminated and juvenile stage reduced. It is also a mean for
perpetuating clones that do not produce viable seeds or that do not produce seeds at all.
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